Monday, July 16, 2007

The Secret Truths

Secrets, The Secret, Top Secret, Secret Societies, Money Secrets, Wealth, Health, Happiness Secrets .....

Did you ever wonder if there are "secrets" to why other people seem to have it all and you don't . And if so, where do you find this information to change your life around ? It could take you years, OR, you could take the shortcut and come back to this site often.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Are You Attracting or Resisting Wealth ?

Take a good look at the results in your life. As you ponder these statements , make a mental note of the answers in your mind , do you often think these thoughts ?
  • I desire more abundance in my life.
  • I'd like to be earning a far greater income.
  • I want to provide more for my family.
  • I sometimes worry about money.
  • I work hard, but don't see the income I desire.
  • There are many things in life I want, but cannot afford.
  • Without my current job, I have no other streams of income.

Now be honest and ask yourself - Why you have'nt got all you desire out of life .

Because !

Everything that's coming into your life you are attracting into your life. And it's attracted by virtue of the images you're holding in your mind. It's what you're thinking. Whatever is going on in your mind you are attracting to you.

But also please realise -

It's Not About Money - It's About Gaining the Freedom to Become The REAL You !

" What we have to get straight in our heads is that owning the money doesn’t mean ANYTHING.It’s the DOING with money that develops us - it’s not in the having. And when you have more, you’re enabled to DO more ".
~ Jack Canfield

....... Read More

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Secret Seminar - Michael Beckwith

Watch the video as Rev. Michael Beckwith Explains How You Can Be of Greater Service to the World Once You Understand The Secret Science of Getting Rich

Thursday, March 15, 2007

3 Teachers and " the Secret "

by Derek Bowler .

The Science of Getting Rich is a timeless classic written in 1910 by Wallace D. Wattles. It is a bold title for a book and suggests that getting rich is a predictable outcome if one can master the principles outlined in the book. Here is how Wallace D. Wattles puts it in his own words ...

"The ownership of money and property comes as a result of doing things in a certain way. Those who do things in this certain way, whether on purpose or accidentally, get rich. Those who do not do things in this certain way, no matter how hard they work or how able they are, remain poor. It is a natural law that like causes always produce like effects. Therefore, any man or woman who learns to do things in this certain way will infallibly get rich."

Certainly, this book is well referenced by many of the great teachers today and it is the same book that inspired Rhonda Byrne to produce that runaway success "the Secret". Here is what Rhonda Byrne said on her introductory note to the book,

"I can honestly say that, since that first night when a tattered printed manuscript found its way to me (thanks to one of my daughters), my life has never been the same. Once you read it for yourself, you will understand why".

Rhonda went on to produce the movie "the Secret" and the best-selling book of the same title which has sold millions of copies worldwide. However, learning how to do things in that "certain way" as described by Wallace D. Wattles may be more challenging for some as the book was written nearly 100 years ago. Some of the language is a little dated and much of its wisdom lost from a modern day perspective. Fortunately, a new training seminar for the Secret Science of Getting Rich has brought the wisdom of this timeless classic back to life for modern readers.

The Secret Science of Getting Rich Seminar - program is the most comprehensive training system for mastering Wallace D. Wattles wealth creation philosophies and principles since its creation. It comprises written, audio and live seminar formats for learning, applying and mastering the Science of Getting Rich. A unique "twist" to the program is the fact that it has an in-built vehicle for creating substantial financial wealth through its affiliate program. This is truly a unique wealth eduction and wealth building program designed to empower any individual with the resources to get rich. It is a program whose time has come. The program would not be possible without the original text from Wallace D. Wattles, the skills of 3 of the leading teachers of our time, the phenomenal success of "the Secret" and the Internet as a learning and distribution tool.
Click here to learn more about the Secret Science of Getting Rich Seminar

Sunday, March 11, 2007

"The Secret" and the Science of Getting Rich

Have you heard of the DVD called "the Secret"? Well it isn't such a secret anymore. The DVD was released in March 2006 and according to Time Magazine, the DVD has sold 500,000 units within the first 6 months.

Today it sells well over 5,000 copies a day! It ranked in Amazon's Top-5 sellers during Christmas week; and a tie-in hardcover book just entered the Top 10 on the New York times bestseller list. The amazing thing about "the Secret" is that you won't find it in your local Blockbuster or Barnes and Noble, it is selling briskly through new-age bookstores, New Thought churches like Unity and AGape .

"It's become the biggest selling item in the 30-year history of our store," says Harmony Rose Allor, a buyer at West Hollywood's popular metaphysical bookshop, The Bodhi Tree. it is "word-of-mouth" marketing at it best. So what is the secret to "the Secret's" success? It's is a "transformational movie", where a person's view on life and the laws of life will no longer be the same after watching this movie.

Following on the success of the Secret, 3 of the core teachers - namely Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield and Michael Beckwith have collaborated to produce a wealth building program called

"The Secret Science of Getting Rich Seminar"

What is the Science of Getting Rich about? Well in the words of Wallace D. Wattles, "The ownership of money and property comes as a result of doing things in a certain way. Those who do things in this certain way, whether on purpose or accidentally, get rich.

The success of this program is built on several rock solid foundations. These factors include: the phenomenal success of "the Secret", the timeless concepts from the Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles, the credibility of 3 of the most successful personal improvement teachers and New Thought leaders of our time, and the Internet as the distribution medium.

Click here to learn more about the Secret Science of Getting Rich Seminar and how you can profit from the distribution of the program.